TA Weekly group
English speakers group
Descrierea serviciului
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Coaching Program By Nick Avătăji A hybrid program* that combines coaching and training, providing participants with a series of information and exercises for accelerated personal development. 1. Coaching for Reorienting the Inner Child in the Present (Mindfulness + Reiki): - Safety and protection; - Love vs. affection; - The wound of rejection; - The wound of abandonment; - The wound of humiliation; - The wound of injustice; - The wound of betrayal; 2. Bringing Relational Energies into the Present: Former partners; 3. Polarity Coaching: Working with feminine and masculine energy; 4. AT Philosophy: Presenting specific elements of transactional analysis for improving everyday life. 5. Reframe Coaching: The mentors' table, remembering the future. Programul este exclusiv online*, destinat doar românilor de pretutindeni și vorbitorilor de limba engleză ori italiană. *Serviciul NU se adresează românilor din România.
Detalii de contact
Bucharest, Romania