Reiki Initiation
Japanese method of self-treatment, based on directing Reiki energy
Descrierea serviciului
Reiki is a Japanese method of self-treatment, based on directing Reiki energy by placing the hands in certain positions on the patient's body. Reiki is an energetic phenomenon that does not conflict with the laws of the land or spiritual beliefs. Reiki energy is special from an informational point of view and guides itself through the relationships it establishes with the patient's subconscious, thus determining his energy needs. For this reason, the therapist does not have to establish a certain amount of energy nor the purpose of its transmission, but only has to allow the flow of this energy. The ability to do this is acquired through the initiation that a Reiki Master makes of the practitioner; which means that the master opens a certain energy channel, a channel that remains open for the rest of his life and with the help of which the person will access the universal Reiki energy. This channel has the route: head-heart-palms. According to the principles of this healing technique, most illnesses and pains are the result of energy blockages; by eliminating them and by increasing the energy flow, self-treatment is produced, the therapist being a facilitator of the process by acting as a channel of energy flow. He triggers self-treatment. Through Reiki initiations, each student activates their latent, natural self-healing energy capabilities. It is not about paranormal phenomena, out of the ordinary, but about a phenomenon that every person who practices Reiki experiences. Grade I: 40 euros Grade II: 60 euros Grade III: 80 euros Reiki master (right of initiations): 160 euros All grades - 4 initiations: 240 euros
Detalii de contact
Bucharest, Romania