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ConstelAT un Podcast de Nick Avătăji - Podcast de spiritualitate, dezvoltare personală și filosofie
Interview Editura Letras Cartea Maimuțe la taifas top 5 BEST SELLER cartea Editura Letras
Awakened Monkey® - The game - primul joc de societate 100% românesc prin materia analizei tranzacțio
Cartea Maimuțe la taifas Nick Avătăji | Avocat penalist, Consilier AT, Facilitator Constelații Famil
Cartea Cu trezirea la taifas. Noul Pământ  Nick Avătăji | Avocat penalist, Consilier AT, Facilitator

Family Constellations and Transactional Analysis, field of Psychotherapy

Services provided by me

Physically for clients in Spain and online for clients speaking Romanian (Romanians everywhere), English and Italian, we have created a series of products based on family constellation training and transactional analysis. Whether we are talking about classical or ritualistic family constellations, or transactional analysis, as a human being in full respect for both soul and mind, I am sure that I will be able to offer exactly the right approach for you.

Free guidance session

Determine with me which service is best for you at no cost to you*.

Nick Avătăji with Monkeys chit-chatting book top 5 BEST SELLER book at  Letras Publisher
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The truth in the field always discloses the solution. It comes as a magnet to the present facilitator, willing to not know, who puts himself at the service of the client's system, from a place of humility (submission) and deep respect for the destinies of those who, by putting themselves at the service of life, have allowed life to to reach the one sitting on the chair to the right of the facilitator. We don't do it, the field does. We are the present witnesses of the symmetry of love, day by day. And I, NICK, baptized NICOLAE, son of NECULAI and ADRIANEA, grandson of VASILE and ADELE, and of NECULAI and MARIA, from the families AVÁTĂJI, SAVA, ROTARU and MIREANU, together with ALL MY ANCESTORS, are in the service of life and of the Consciousness of the Great Whole.

Learn more here...


Through your greatness, those of you who have chosen to read the book 'Maimuțe la taifas' have propelled it to the top 5 bestsellers at Letras Publishing in less than two months.

Your enthusiasm has encouraged me to write the second book, which you can also find available here.

Nick Avătăji with Monkeys chit-chatting book top 5 BEST SELLER book at  Letras Publisher

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